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API Reference

GET /api/article?url=…

The Scrapper API is very simple. Essentially, it is just one call that can easily be demonstrated using the cURL:

curl -X GET "localhost:3000/api/article?url="

Use the GET method on the /api/article endpoint, passing one required parameter url. This is the full URL of the webpage on the Internet that contains an article. Scrapper will load the webpage in a browser, extract the article text, and return it in JSON format in the response.

All other request parameters are optional and have default values. However, you can customize them to your liking. The table below lists all the parameters that you can use, along with their descriptions and default values. To make it easier to build requests, use the web interface where the final request link is generated in real-time as you configure the parameters.

Request Parameters

Scrapper settings

Parameter Description Default
url Page URL. The page should contain the text of the article that needs to be extracted.
cache All results of the parsing process will be cached in the user_data directory. Cache can be disabled by setting the cache option to false. In this case, the page will be fetched and parsed every time. Cache is enabled by default. true
full-content If this option is set to true, the result will have the full HTML contents of the page (fullContent field in the response). false
stealth Stealth mode allows you to bypass anti-scraping techniques. It is disabled by default. false
screenshot If this option is set to true, the result will have the link to the screenshot of the page (screenshot field in the response). Important implementation details: Initially, Scrapper attempts to take a screenshot of the entire scrollable page. If it fails because the image is too large, it will only capture the currently visible viewport. false
user-scripts To use your JavaScript scripts on a webpage, put your script files into the user_scripts directory. Then, list the scripts you need in the user-scripts parameter, separating them with commas. These scripts will run after the page loads but before the article parser starts. This means you can use these scripts to do things like remove ad blocks or automatically click the cookie acceptance button. Keep in mind, script names cannot include commas, as they are used for separation.
For example, you might pass remove-ads.js, click-cookie-accept-button.js.
If you plan to run asynchronous long-running scripts, check user-scripts-timeout parameter.
user-scripts-timeout Waits for the given timeout in milliseconds after users scripts injection. For example if you want to navigate through page to specific content, set a longer period (higher value). The default value is 0, which means no sleep. 0

Browser settings

Parameter Description Default
incognito Allows creating incognito browser contexts. Incognito browser contexts don’t write any browsing data to disk. true
timeout Maximum operation time to navigate to the page in milliseconds; defaults to 60000 (60 seconds). Pass 0 to disable the timeout. 60000
wait-until When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to domcontentloaded. Events can be either:
load - consider operation to be finished when the load event is fired.
domcontentloaded - consider operation to be finished when the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.
networkidle - consider operation to be finished when there are no network connections for at least 500 ms.
commit - consider operation to be finished when network response is received and the document started loading.
sleep Waits for the given timeout in milliseconds before parsing the article, and after the page has loaded. In many cases, a sleep timeout is not necessary. However, for some websites, it can be quite useful. Other waiting mechanisms, such as waiting for selector visibility, are not currently supported. The default value is 0, which means no sleep. 0
resource List of resource types allowed to be loaded on the page. All other resources will not be allowed, and their network requests will be aborted. By default, all resource types are allowed. The following resource types are supported: document, stylesheet, image, media, font, script, texttrack, xhr, fetch, eventsource, websocket, manifest, other. Example: document,stylesheet,fetch.
viewport-width The viewport width in pixels. It’s better to use the device parameter instead of specifying it explicitly.
viewport-height The viewport height in pixels. It’s better to use the device parameter instead of specifying it explicitly.
screen-width The page width in pixels. Emulates consistent window screen size available inside web page via window.screen. Is only used when the viewport is set.
screen-height The page height in pixels.
device Simulates browser behavior for a specific device, such as user agent, screen size, viewport, and whether it has touch enabled.
Individual parameters like user-agent, viewport-width, and viewport-height can also be used; in such cases, they will override the device settings.
List of available devices.
iPhone 12
scroll-down Scroll down the page by a specified number of pixels. This is particularly useful when dealing with lazy-loading pages (pages that are loaded only as you scroll down). This parameter is used in conjunction with the sleep parameter. Make sure to set a positive value for the sleep parameter, otherwise, the scroll function won’t work. 0
ignore-https-errors Whether to ignore HTTPS errors when sending network requests. The default setting is to ignore HTTPS errors. true
user-agent Specific user agent. It’s better to use the device parameter instead of specifying it explicitly.
locale Specify user locale, for example en-GB, de-DE, etc. Locale will affect navigator.language value, Accept-Language request header value as well as number and date formatting rules.
timezone Changes the timezone of the context. See ICU’s metaZones.txt for a list of supported timezone IDs.
http-credentials Credentials for HTTP authentication (string containing username and password separated by a colon, e.g. username:password).
extra-http-headers Contains additional HTTP headers to be sent with every request. Example: X-API-Key:123456;X-Auth-Token:abcdef.

Network proxy settings

Parameter Description Default
proxy-server Proxy to be used for all requests. HTTP and SOCKS proxies are supported, for example or socks5:// Short form is considered an HTTP proxy.
proxy-bypass Optional comma-separated domains to bypass proxy, for example .com,,
proxy-username Optional username to use if HTTP proxy requires authentication.
proxy-password Optional password to use if HTTP proxy requires authentication.

Readability settings

Parameter Description Default
max-elems-to-parse The maximum number of elements to parse. The default value is 0, which means no limit. 0
nb-top-candidates The number of top candidates to consider when analysing how tight the competition is among candidates. 5
char-threshold The number of characters an article must have in order to return a result. 500

Response fields

The response to the /api/article request returns a JSON object that contains fields, which are described in the table below.

Parameter Description Type
byline author metadata null or str
content HTML string of processed article content null or str
dir content direction null or str
excerpt article description, or short excerpt from the content null or str
fullContent full HTML contents of the page null or str
id unique result ID str
url page URL after redirects, may not match the query URL str
domain page’s registered domain str
lang content language null or str
length length of extracted article, in characters null or int
date date of extracted article in ISO 8601 format str
query request parameters object
meta social meta tags (open graph, twitter) object
resultUri URL of the current result, the data here is always taken from cache str
screenshotUri URL of the screenshot of the page null or str
siteName name of the site null or str
textContent text content of the article, with all the HTML tags removed null or str
title article title null or str
publishedTime article publication time null or str

Error handling

If an error (or multiple errors) occurs during the execution of a request, the response structure will be as follows:

  "detail": [
      "type": "error_type",
      "msg": "some message"

Some errors do not have a detailed description in the response to the request. In this case, you should refer to the log of the Docker container to investigate the cause of the error.

GET /api/links?url=…

To collect links to news articles on the main pages of websites, use a different query on the /api/links endpoint. The query parameters are similar, but the Readability settings are not required for this query because no text is extracted. Instead, the Link parser is used, which has its own set of parameters. A description of these parameters is provided below.

curl -X GET "localhost:3000/api/links?url="

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Default
text-len-threshold The median (middle value) of the link text length in characters. The default value is 40 characters. Hyperlinks must adhere to this criterion to be included in the results. However, this criterion is not a strict threshold value, and some links may ignore it. 40
words-threshold The median (middle value) of the number of words in the link text. The default value is 3 words. Hyperlinks must adhere to this criterion to be included in the results. However, this criterion is not a strict threshold value, and some links may ignore it. 3

Response fields

The response to the /api/links request returns a JSON object that contains fields, which are described in the table below.

Parameter Description Type
fullContent full HTML contents of the page str
id unique result ID str
url page URL after redirects, may not match the query URL str
domain page’s registered domain str
date date when the links were collected in ISO 8601 format str
query request parameters object
meta social meta tags (open graph, twitter) object
resultUri URL of the current result, the data here is always taken from cache str
screenshotUri URL of the screenshot of the page str
links list of collected links list
title page title str